Is It Sensory or Is It Behavior? Part 2: Sensory-Based Behaviors

Presented by Carolyn Murray-Slutsky and Betty Paris

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This course provides an overview of the sensory systems and their neurological underpinnings and identifies the common behaviors seen within each. Using the Intervention for Challenging Behavior form, participants will learn to identify sensory-based behaviors, define sensory obtaining versus avoiding behaviors, and further identify if an intervention plan is needed. A case study will be used to clearly identify sensory-based behaviors. This course will look deeper into sensory processing disorder (SPD) taxonomy and research related to SPD, both in the general population and in those with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Specific behavioral characteristics will be reviewed for modulation disorders and interventions introduced.

Meet your instructors

Carolyn Murray-Slutsky

Carolyn Murray-Slutsky, MS OTR, C/NDT, FAOTA, is an international lecturer, author, private practice owner, and clinician. In 2017 she was recognized by the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) as a Fellow for "Leading Excellence in Pediatrics Around the Globe." She received her undergraduate degree in special…

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Betty Paris

Betty Paris, PT, M.Ed., C/NDT, international lecturer, author, educator, private practice owner, and clinician, attained her Bachelor of Science degree in Physical Therapy from Florida International University and her master's in education from the University of Phoenix. She holds post-graduate certificates in sensory…

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Chapters & learning objectives

Introduction: The Sensory Systems and Sensory-Based Behaviors

1. Introduction: The Sensory Systems and Sensory-Based Behaviors

This chapter reviews the sensory systems, provides a basic neurological and anatomical review of each system, and describes behavioral expressions common within each. Clinicians must understand this information and the interrelations between the systems in order to appropriately analyze the sensory-based behaviors. A case study will be used to guide learning.

Understanding the SPD Taxonomy, Sensory Modulation Disorders, and Their Characteristics

2. Understanding the SPD Taxonomy, Sensory Modulation Disorders, and Their Characteristics

The sensory processing disorder (SPD) taxonomy identifies the components of an SPD in the general population. Research and terminology related to autism spectrum disorder (ASD) differs slightly. This chapter will lay the groundwork for analyzing sensory-based behaviors and for prioritizing interventions.

Identifying and Understanding Sensory Modulation Disorders and Other Internal Systemic Behaviors

3. Identifying and Understanding Sensory Modulation Disorders and Other Internal Systemic Behaviors

This chapter will give participants the skills needed to identify internal systemic (sensory) issues. A case study will be used to further identify and analyze sensory-based behaviors (whether they are productive or nonproductive, acceptable or unacceptable) and factors affecting the priority for designing an intervention plan. Internal systemic biological problems and their impact on sensory-based and self-injurious behaviors will also be addressed.